I often hear how important it is to be positive.
The thing is, that there are times we need the people we're with to be aware of symptoms - like fatigue, pain, dizziness, brain fog or any of the other multitude of things that can affect us in various ways from day to day.
It's not like we can start saying "Oh hurrah, I can't do that because my brain has turned to mush".
And yet....
I've seen peoples eyes glaze over when I talk about my current symptoms. I have even found myself unconsciously switching off when people have given me too much negative information. Which, given that I know what living with these symptoms...well, it was a bit unexpected!
It's as if the human brain has an automatic 'off switch' when too much stuff perceived as "negative" info is given resulting in none of then information I tried to share actually being taken on board - and a LOT of attempts to 'jolly me along'. "You can do this" "You need to be more positive" and the like. Which, of course, don't help - because they haven't actually taken into account the symptoms or limitations I've tried to tell them about!
So it looks like a 'catch 22'. Communicating about the symptoms is 'negative' and doesn't help. Not communicating about the symptoms means people get frustrated, have unrealistic expectations and can't understand why I can't do things.
Over time I've found a few ways to communicate in a more positive way - while still being very grounded and real.
For example:
"I am really fatigued. Struggling to concentrate. And I really can't sit still for long because of pain."
This is true. But it is all 'negative' information, and will probably fail in terms of creating understanding about my reality. I can't tell you the psychology of why, it's just something I've observed many, many times.
Here are some alternatives I've developed over time:
Option 1: Acknowledge the cause (it helps people build up an understanding of cause and effect - so over time they realise that busy today = symptomatic and quiet tomorrow, and puts the symptom into a wider context of 'doing' something - which also helps reduce the 'jollying you along' reaction.)
"I had a lovely day yesterday - got to hang out with some of my nieces in the morning. Now the fatigue and pain have hit, and I really can't concentrate for long. But it was worth it."
Option 2: Include coping strategies (it helps stop people panicking that you are just sitting there worrying about pain/symptoms all your life)
"I am really fatigued. Struggling to concentrate. And I really can't sit still for long because of pain - so I'm doing little tasks only, and lots of stretches, and using my heat pack - which helps."
Option 3: Recognise achievements based on what was challenging for you. (again, this helps people start to understand your normal.)
"I'm horribly fatigued and can't concentrate for long today, but I've managed to have a shower - so I'm really pleased about that."
Option 4: Include a 'can' alongside a 'can't'. (this helps avoid the 'encouraging' attempts that try and insist we do something we know we can't - or can't without unacceptable consequences - and has the added bonus that it's good practice for finding solutions and things we can do.)
"I can't sit for long - I'm in too much pain. But I can manage 5 minutes at a time, so I've been doing short tasks - and then changing position - I've achieved far more than I thought I would!" (I still can't believe how effective this position changing and regular moving has been for my pelvis/lower back pain).
And try to finish the update on a positive - which I've just realised I did in all these examples!
These don't create telepathy, or resolve every situation, but they have helped me become better understood by the people around me.
I hope that they can help you too.
The thing is, that there are times we need the people we're with to be aware of symptoms - like fatigue, pain, dizziness, brain fog or any of the other multitude of things that can affect us in various ways from day to day.
It's not like we can start saying "Oh hurrah, I can't do that because my brain has turned to mush".
And yet....
I've seen peoples eyes glaze over when I talk about my current symptoms. I have even found myself unconsciously switching off when people have given me too much negative information. Which, given that I know what living with these symptoms...well, it was a bit unexpected!
It's as if the human brain has an automatic 'off switch' when too much stuff perceived as "negative" info is given resulting in none of then information I tried to share actually being taken on board - and a LOT of attempts to 'jolly me along'. "You can do this" "You need to be more positive" and the like. Which, of course, don't help - because they haven't actually taken into account the symptoms or limitations I've tried to tell them about!
So it looks like a 'catch 22'. Communicating about the symptoms is 'negative' and doesn't help. Not communicating about the symptoms means people get frustrated, have unrealistic expectations and can't understand why I can't do things.
Over time I've found a few ways to communicate in a more positive way - while still being very grounded and real.
For example:
"I am really fatigued. Struggling to concentrate. And I really can't sit still for long because of pain."
This is true. But it is all 'negative' information, and will probably fail in terms of creating understanding about my reality. I can't tell you the psychology of why, it's just something I've observed many, many times.
Here are some alternatives I've developed over time:
Option 1: Acknowledge the cause (it helps people build up an understanding of cause and effect - so over time they realise that busy today = symptomatic and quiet tomorrow, and puts the symptom into a wider context of 'doing' something - which also helps reduce the 'jollying you along' reaction.)
"I had a lovely day yesterday - got to hang out with some of my nieces in the morning. Now the fatigue and pain have hit, and I really can't concentrate for long. But it was worth it."
Option 2: Include coping strategies (it helps stop people panicking that you are just sitting there worrying about pain/symptoms all your life)
"I am really fatigued. Struggling to concentrate. And I really can't sit still for long because of pain - so I'm doing little tasks only, and lots of stretches, and using my heat pack - which helps."
Option 3: Recognise achievements based on what was challenging for you. (again, this helps people start to understand your normal.)
"I'm horribly fatigued and can't concentrate for long today, but I've managed to have a shower - so I'm really pleased about that."
Option 4: Include a 'can' alongside a 'can't'. (this helps avoid the 'encouraging' attempts that try and insist we do something we know we can't - or can't without unacceptable consequences - and has the added bonus that it's good practice for finding solutions and things we can do.)
"I can't sit for long - I'm in too much pain. But I can manage 5 minutes at a time, so I've been doing short tasks - and then changing position - I've achieved far more than I thought I would!" (I still can't believe how effective this position changing and regular moving has been for my pelvis/lower back pain).
And try to finish the update on a positive - which I've just realised I did in all these examples!
These don't create telepathy, or resolve every situation, but they have helped me become better understood by the people around me.
I hope that they can help you too.
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