What a week!

Life has been kinda hectic for the past seven days.

On top of all the usual 'being Hannah' issues, the following has happened:

A gallery of my communication cards was featured on the BBC pictures page (at one point the gallery was next to watercolours by the Prince of Wales - quite some juxtaposition! which I only realised thanks to a tweet from @5)

I visited friends in Somerset for the day (lovely, but exhausting).

My Differently Normal 'Zip Buddy' Keyrings arrived, followed shortly by the wristbands. Which caused a small flurry of orders and a heavily laden trip to the post office.

2 book reviewers reviewed Welly Walks and Biscuit Baking (a parenting magazine and a book blogger)

Had the most marvellous time at dance group last night.

I've hardly slept for 48 hours.

And I put a picture on facebook yesterday (competition to win a differently normal wristband) which, according to the stats, has now 'reached 14,696 people.' I'm not smug, not at all!

The overall result? Tired, happy, looking forward to tomorrow, and spending today like this:

Description: happy, tired stickman lying on a beanbag, dreaming about 'differently normal' wristbands


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