My walk!

I started maths tuition sessions at the local secondary school today. At the end of class I said "Oh, if you want to ask questions about my disability, wheelchair etc. feel free!" they did. They were fascinated and it is so nice to talk to people who are intrigued but not pitying. They accepted my 'normal' as simply a different kind of normal. If I was OK with it so were they.

They found it fascinating that I could drive, and even walk short distances and yet I use a wheelchair - but because they were free to ask, they were able to understand. Falling over at the smallest distraction isn't exactly constructive. Neither is getting stroke-like symptoms from being upright too long! So hopefully that is 6 more people on the planet who don't assume that all wheelchair users are paralysed.

Anyways, when asked I told them that I walk like a drunk string puppet. I was just reminded of this by a friend (truffle) who says she walks like a drunk gazelle! - She also has HMS/EDS.

So, in aid of dispelling the myth that wheelchair users are all completely incapable of walking, here is 'My Walk' (note, this is a few years old, so some bits are now worse and other bits are better!)

Funnily enough my physio has currently banned me from walking in public until I have made significant progress :D


  1. Can you use a walking stick to help you balance? It's surely more sensible than wobbling like that in case you fall over!

  2. My wrists/shoulders/elbows dislike sticks and crutches and so long as I concentrate hard I don't fall too much. for outside and places I will be distracted and not near a wall to grab I use wheels. Don't worry. It doesn't feel as bad as it looks!

  3. Oh, and I now have kneebraces too which helps for extra-bendy days.


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