Anxiety, depression, cards and teamwork

Over the past month I've had the privilege of working with a group of college students who live with anxiety and/or depression, to create keyring cards that would help them (and probably many other people too). Not based on what experts have written, but based on their experiences of everyday life.

There's been much drafting and re-drafting, and help from a few other consultees too - including an epic facebook chat with Imi, creator of 'The Upside Down Chronicles'.

Clearly every card will not be suitable for every individual with mental health challenges, but that is the beauty of the keyring cards: you choose to use the ones that work for you.

And now the cards are here.

Some specific to mental health, but many are applicable to many situations and conditions.

Explaining the basics so friends and family can understand a bit better.

Making asking for support a little easier

 Asking for a hug.

And anyone who knows Imi will not be surprised that she is behind this one...

A huge thank you to everyone who made this possible, but especially to Imi for all her help with editing and insights into mental health conditions, and to my team of college students, without whom none of this would have been possible. I hope you are proud of yourselves, because I think there will be many people now and in the future, who will be helped by your work.


  1. This is very helpful for me I am a middle schooler and communicating my anxiety and depression to other people also explaining why I need noise cancelling headphones is really helpful. For some people if you have a mental health problem these are really helpful you don't just have to be disabled to use these which is what I really like.


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